jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Merry Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham

A collection of jest of the proverbially wise wise fools of Gotham by AB; possibly Andrew Boorde. The first extant edicition is 1630. The foolishness of the men of Gotham was known in the 15th century, when it is mentioned in the Towneley Shepherds' Play.

The traditional explanation is taht it was a trick to outwit King John who was intending to pass through Gotham, in Nottinghamshire, and perhaps claim the land. By such actions as linking hands around a cuckoo on a bush in order to catch it, the men of Gotham persuaded John that the land was not worth having.

There were numerous collections of the jest of the men of Gotham in the 17th century and after.

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