jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Examples with quite-pretty-rather-fairly

Quite+ adjective
1.- I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous
2.- I'm quite hungry. Is there anything to eat?
3.- How were the photographs you took? Quite good, better than usual.
4.- I go to the cinema quite often, maybe once a month.
5.- We live near a very busy road, so it's often quite noisy
6.- I didn't expect Laura to contact me. I was quite surprise when she phoned
7.- I went to bed quite late last night, so I'm a bit tired this morning
8.- I don't know exactly when these houses were built, but they're quite old.
Quite before a/an
1.- The weather was better than we had expected. It was quite a nice day
2.- Tom often sings. He's got quite a good voice.
3.- The bus stop wasn't very near the hotel. We had to walk quite a long way
4.- It's warm today, but there's quite a strong windy
5.-the journey took longer than I expected. There was quite a lof of traffic
6.- I'm tired. I 've quite a busy day
7.- Our holiday was Ok. We had quite a nice time
Rather+ adjective
1.- The weather isn't so good. It's rather cloudy
2.- I enjoyed the film, but it was rather slow
3.- the hotel we stayed at wasn't very good. I was rather angry
4.- I think it's rather strange that Chris went away without telling anybody
5.- Lucy doesn't like having to wait. Sometimes she's rather impatient
Quite as more than a little or less than very
1.- It's quite cold, you'd better wear your coat
2.- Maria's English is quite good
3.-My bedroom is quite big
Quite as completely
1.- Are you sure? Yes quite sure
2- I couldn' t believe it, it was quite incredible
3.- I'm quite tired, i will go to bed
4.- I quite agree with you
5.- I didn't believe her at first, but in fact what she said was quite true
6.- you won't fall. the ladder is quite safe
7.- I'm afraid I can't do what you ask. It's quite impossible
8.- You can't compare the two things, they are quite different
9.- You needn't have done that. It was quite innecessary
10.-I think I saw them go out, but I'm not quite sure

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