viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Both-both of; neither-neither of, either-either of

Both- Both of
Neither- Neither of
Either-Either of

We use both/neither/either for two things.
You can use these words with a noum- both books, neither book etc

For example, you are going to eat. There are two possible restaurants. You say:
Both retaurants are very good
Neither resaturant is expensive
We can to to either restaurant, i don’t mind

(español sería ambos, ninguno-, cualquier-a)

But of
Neither of
Either of

We use both of- neither of-either of.. the-these-my- Tom’s... etc

So we have say both of the restaurants
Both of those restaurants
-not both of restaurants

Both restaurants
Both of the restaurants

Both of these resturants are very good
Neither of the restaurants we went to was –or were- expensive
I haven’t been to either of those restaurants ( I haven’t been to one or the other)

You don ‘ t need of after both if you say

Both my parents are from London .. not Both of my parents

You can use both or- neither of –either of + us/you/them

Talking to two people... Can either of you speak spanish?
I asked two people the way to the station, but neither of them could help me

You must say “both of” before us you them

Both of us were very tired ..not both us

After neither of... a singular or a plural verb is possible

Neither of the children wants – want--- to go to bed

You can also use both –neither-either alone, without a noun

I couldn’t decide wich of the two shirts to buy. I liked both. (or liked both of them)
Is your friend British or American. Neither She’s Australian
Do you want tea or coffee? Either. I dont mind

You can say

Both... and.. Both Chris and Peter were late
I was both tired and hungry when i arrived home

Neither..nor.. Neither Chris nor Pat came to the party
Tom said he would contact me, but he neither wrote nor phoned

Either or I’m not sure where Maria’s from, She’s either Spanish or Italian
Either you apologise or I’ll never speak to you again

Compare either-neither-both – two things- and any none all

There are two good hotels here... you could stay ate either of them
We trieed two hotels. Neither of them had any rooms. Both of them were full

There are many good hotels here. You could stay at any of them
We tried a lot of hotels. None or them had any rooms. All of them were full


Do you want tea or coffee .. Either i really dont’ mind
What day is it today. The 18 th or the 19 th? Neither of them, it’s the 20th

Wehre dis you go for your holidays – Scotland or Ireland?
We went to both (both of them) A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland

When shall I phoe, in the morning or afternoon? Both. I’ll be in all day
Where’s Liz? Is she at work or at home. Neither . She’s away on holiday

Both my parents are form London
To get to the town cent5re, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. Yo can go either way
I tried twice to phone George, but both times he was out
Neither of Tom’s Parents is English. His father is Polis and his mother is Italian.
I saw an accidente this morning. One car drove into the back of another. Fortunately neither driver was injured, but both cars were badly damaged

I’ve got two sisters and a brother. My brothes is working, but both of my sisters are still at school.

I asked two people the way to the station but nither of them could help me
I was invited to tow parties last week, but I cuoldn’t go to neither of them
There were two windows in ther room. It was very wram, si I opened both fo them
Sarah and I play tennis together regularly, but neither of us can play very well
I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted, but neither of them had it

Chris was late. So was pat Both Chris and Pat were late
He didn’ t write and he didn’ phone. He neither wrote nor phoned
Jose is on holiday and so is Sam. Both Jose and Sam are on holidays
Joe hasn’t got a car, Sam hasn’t got one either. Neither Jose or Sam has car
Brian doesn’ watch Tv and he doesn ‘t read newspaper.. Brian neither read Tv or read newspaper

It was a boring film it was long too
The film was both long and boring
Is that man’s name Richard? Or is it Robert? It´s one of the two
The man’s name is either Richard or Robert
I haven’t got time to go on holiday. And I haven’t got the money
I have got neither time or money to go on holiday
We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow. Wichever you prefer
We can leave either today or tomorrow

We tried a lot of hotels but none of them has any rooms
I took two boks with me on holiday, but I didn’ read neither of them
I took five books with me on holiday, buth i didn’t read none of them
There are a few shops at the end of the street, but all of them sells newspaper
You can phone me at all time during the evening. I’m always at home
I can meet you next Monday or Friday. Would both of those days be convenient for you?
John and I couldn’t get into the house because neither of us had a key.

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